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This page details the attendance information for the school including the school attendance action plan, attendance data, attendance home information and incentives.

Whole school attendance

St Peter's aims to meet an attendance target of 96+% which would be above the national average. At the end of each term we will write to parents where attendance has fallen below 95%. Often parents are aware of the reasons, which may have been unavoidable, such as for sickness. A record of attendance is also included in all pupils end of year school reports. Thank you to those parents who are helping St Peter's raise our attendance levels, which helps our children to get the most out of their educational experience.

96%+ school target

96 - 100% Well done
91 - 95% Risk of underachievement
85 - 90% Serious risk of underachievement
Below 85% Serious cause for concern and underachievement.

Did you know?


Learning days lost

Acceptable sickness & unforeseen absences.

98% = 4 days

97% = 6 days

96% = 8 days

Attendance below 95% is of concern to the school & you will be contacted automatically.10 days unauthorised absences for holidays over the year mean you will only achieve 95% attendance. Sickness & medical appointments, although usually unavoidable & authorised, will add further to your child’s absence record.

95% = 10 days

94% = 12 days

93% = 14 days

92% = 16 days

Poor attendance

Attendance below 90% is a serious concern. Your child has now missed nearly 4 weeks’ education. You may be referred to the Early Help team at the local authority.

91% = 18 days

90% = 20 days

89% = 21 days

88% = 23 days

87% = 25 days

86% = 27 days

Very poor attendance

85% = 29 days

84% = 31 days

82% = 35 days

80% = 39 days