St Peter’s Christian Vision and Values
"Love Thy Neighbour" (Luke 10:29)
Our Christian Vision
At St Peter's Eaton Square C of E Primary School, our Christian Vision is inspired by the story of the Good Samaritan. This story, told by Jesus in response to a lawyer's question, defines how his disciples should relate to their neighbours. It emphasises love, compassion, and respect for everyone, regardless of who they are.
Living Out "Love Thy Neighbour"
We live out the teaching of "Love Thy Neighbour" (Luke 10:29) across our daily school lives by:
- Encouraging acts of kindness and compassion towards everyone.
- Promoting an inclusive atmosphere where all students feel valued and respected.
- Integrating the principle of loving and helping others into our curriculum and school activities.
- Supporting one another and working collaboratively to build a strong, caring community.
An Inclusive Community
St Peter's is an inclusive Church of England school. We encourage every child to flourish together, showing love and respect for the whole community. Our aim is to ensure that our Christian vision is at the core of everything we do, shaping our policies and practices.
Daily Life and Worship
Our daily collective worship and interactions with each other help our children flourish spiritually and emotionally. Each term, we focus on key Christian values: service, hope, love, forgiveness, and wisdom. These values guide our behaviours and decisions, fostering a caring and supportive environment.
Termly Christian Values
- Love: The Good Samaritan (Luke 10:25-37)
- Hope: Noah's Ark (Genesis 6-9)
- Service: Jesus Washing the Disciples' Feet (John 13:1-17)
- Forgiveness: The Prodigal Son (Luke 15:11-32)
- Wisdom: Solomon Asks for Wisdom (1 Kings 3:1-15)
- Faith: The Mustard Seed (Matthew 17-20)
Foster Spiritual, Moral, and Physical Development
We aim to foster the spiritual, moral, and physical development of our children within a caring Christian community. Caring reflects God’s love for us, and through this love, we help our children grow and develop in all aspects of their lives.
Our Goals
Through our vision, we aim to:
- Enable every child to meet their full potential.
- Teach students to be allies to others.
- Instil an understanding of how to be charitable.
- Encourage support for our families and the wider community.
- Promote tolerance and respect for all religions.
- Develop a deeper theological understanding of Christianity.
Spiritual and Moral Growth
Our commitment to these goals ensures that our whole community benefits spiritually and morally. By living out our Christian vision daily, we create an environment where everyone can grow and thrive, both individually and collectively. At St Peter's Eaton Square C of E Primary School, we strive to embody the teachings of the Good Samaritan, fostering a community grounded in love, respect, and service.