St Peter's Church
We are very happy to be strongly associated with St Peter’s Church, Eaton Square, which is located just two hundred metres to the north of the school, and we regularly use the church for services, assemblies, plays and other events. We highly value the strong links which exist between our pupils and families, our school and the parish church, as well as the wider community, and we welcome the active involvement of our Clergy, Governors and Parent Teacher Association.www.stpetereatonsquare.co.uk
Fr Jonathan Kester, Vicar
Fr Jonathan has been Vicar of St Peter’s Church since July 2022 and has been ordained for thirty years, serving in that time in Hertfordshire, Camden Town, Ilford in East London and West Hampstead. He has been involved in Church of England schools throughout his ministry and much enjoys the warm and collaborative partnership between St Peter’s Church and School and looks forward to developing and growing that in the future.