British Values
- Inclusive Teamwork: Staff model and consistently encourage teamwork among children, emphasising the equal importance of every member and valuing every voice and opinion.
- Pupil Involvement: Children share opinions through class discussions and elect School Councillors, promoting active participation in decision-making.
- Behavioural Rewards: The Behaviour Policy actively rewards considerate and collaborative actions, fostering positive behaviour in various settings.
- PSHE: Democracy-related topics are covered in age-appropriate PSHE lessons, teaching the strengths, advantages, and disadvantages of democracy in Britain.
- Curriculum Integration: Curriculum design incorporates opportunities to teach debate rules and holds mock elections during events like general or local elections.
- Christian Values: Christian School Values instil confidence in children to discuss and defend their viewpoints appropriately.
- Empowerment: Collective Worship, reflection, and the curriculum emphasise that every child, regardless of age, can make a positive impact.
Rule of Law:
- Law Reinforcement: The importance of laws governing the class, school, and country is consistently reinforced throughout the school day, in behaviour management, and during collective worship.
- Simple Rules: School rules centre on Christian values, including LOVE, SERVICE, FORGIVENESS, HOPE, WISDOM, and RESPECT.
- Understanding Laws: Pupils are taught the values, reasons behind laws, and the responsibilities and consequences associated with them. The school are partnered with the Police Awareness academy who provide workshops for all year groups and parents. Our year 6 pupils also attend the Westminster Junior Citizenship Academy.
- Guest Speakers: Visits from authorities such as Community Police, Local MP’s and School Governors reinforce the importance of rules.
Individual Liberty:
- Safe Choices: Pupils are encouraged to make choices within a safe and supportive environment, understanding and exercising their rights and personal freedoms.
- Curriculum Involvement: Curriculum planning allows children to contribute to their own learning and make choices.
- Behavioural Support: The behaviour policy emphasises making right choices and offers forgiveness and support when mistakes occur.
- Community Involvement: Pupils engage with the local community, participating in events, visits, and projects to raise awareness of community issues e.g. The Passage and The Trussell Trust.
- Citizenship Education: Pupils evaluate society, making informed, independent choices as responsible citizens.
Mutual Respect:
- Ethos and Policy: The school ethos and behaviour policy revolve around core values of respect and forgiveness.
- Inclusive Respect: Staff and pupils treat each other with respect, valuing differences in person, property, and opinions.
- Respectful Environment: Mutual respect underpins classroom and school rules, as well as the behaviour policy.
Tolerance of Different Faiths and Beliefs:
- Cultural Diversity: The school enhances awareness of cultural diversity, welcoming children of all faiths and encouraging knowledge-sharing.
- Religious Education: RE teaching includes a focus on other faiths, such as Judaism, Buddhism, Hinduism, Sikhism, and Islam, alongside Christianity.
- Prejudice Awareness: Collective Worship and PSHE encourage discussions on prejudices and prejudice-based bullying.
- Visits and Discussions: Representatives of different faiths visit the school, fostering open and respectful discussions to enhance understanding.
- Educational Visits: Visits to places of worship and celebrations of significant cultural and historical days contribute to tolerance education.