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Religious Education (RE)


At St. Peter’s Eaton Square Church of England Primary School, our RE curriculum is rich, ambitious, and engaging. It provides children with opportunities to consider life’s big questions, contemplate the world, and explore their own faith and spiritual journeys. Our curriculum aims to cultivate religious literacy and develop children’s ability to ask deep, meaningful questions and become critical thinkers.

Our systematic enquiry-based approach in RE is designed to develop the following skills in children:

  • Critical thinking
  • Engaging critically with texts
  • Asking deep and meaningful questions
  • Making connections within and across religions and world views
  • Reflecting, responding, and expressing their own religious, spiritual, and/or philosophical convictions
  • Making informed choices and decisions about religion and belief, grounded in a deep understanding of religions, world views, belief systems, values, and practices.


At St. Peter’s Eaton Square, we follow the London Diocesan Board for Schools (LDBS) syllabus from Early Years through Key Stage 2. This syllabus is structured around a big question approach, emphasising enquiry-based learning, theology, and critical thinking.

Our curriculum overview, based on the Agreed Syllabus, ensures consistent and progressive coverage throughout the school. RE teaching combines direct instruction with whole class, group, paired, and individual activities. Strategies include enquiry, exploration, discussion, questioning, artefacts, and interactions with visitors of various faiths.

We embed an enquiry-based RE curriculum reflecting local and global faiths, balancing Christian teachings with other religions. Children articulate how their learning applies to daily life. Educational visits and termly focuses like 'Look, Think, Wonder' using resources such as ‘Picturing Christianity’ and ‘Understanding Christianity’ (focusing on Creation, Incarnation, and Salvation) enhance learning.

Reflection spaces and class prayer books provide interactive reflective spaces. Weekly Collective Worship reinforces RE syllabus elements. To meet syllabus standards, 5-10% of curriculum time is allocated to RE.


At St. Peter’s Eaton Square, there is clear evidence of progress in children’s responses and their ability to reflect on learning, making meaningful links between faith, the environment, and the world. Assessment is integral to RE teaching, with teachers continuously evaluating children’s accomplishments through discussions, group activities, marking, observations, and questioning. This enables tracking progress in relation to key questions and learning areas.

We measure the impact of our RE curriculum through:

  • Mind Maps: At the start of each unit, children create mind maps to outline their knowledge and what they want to learn about the faith they are studying. This helps teachers assess prior knowledge and plan suitable activities.
  • Recall Quizzes: ‘Knowing more and remembering more’ quizzes at the start of each lesson to gauge children’s retention and inform teaching.
  • Vocabulary Assessment: Assessing understanding of topic-specific vocabulary before and after lessons.
  • Summative Assessments: Evaluating discussions, interviewing children (child voice), and marking written work.
  • Formative Assessments: Termly results tracked through OTrack.
  • Low Stakes Tests: At the end of each topic, children complete a low-stakes test to consolidate learning.