School Uniform
We have a smart, simple and low-cost uniform which all children are expected to wear correctly at school. School uniforms build school cohesion and community, allow children to concentrate on their learning and identify themselves with the school with pride. We would appreciate your fullest support with this.
Reception - Year 6 Uniform |
Summer uniform variation options |
PE uniform (to be worn to school on PE days) |
Items in bold must be purchased on-line from our uniform supplier, www.stitchdesign.co.uk
All items of clothing must be clearly labelled. Children are encouraged to look after their own things. We will endeavour to hand back labelled items of clothing but these may end up in Lost Property. Un-labelled items and other lost property may be found in the hall at the end of the day. Storage space is very limited so all unclaimed items will be discarded at the end of each half term.
The wearing of Summer uniform is optional and no precise dates are set. However, as a guideline and for the comfort of the children we try to fit in with the weather regarding when to wear winter or summer uniforms. Usually this means;
- Summer uniform - Autumn 1 and Spring 2 and Summer 1 & 2 terms.
- Winter uniform – Autumn 2 and Spring 1
Children’s long hair should be tied back. No nail varnish is to be worn.
All jewellery must be left at home, unless worn for religious reasons. Children with pierced ears may wear studs only, as dangling ear-rings are hazardous during PE lessons and at playtimes.