Secondary Transfer
Approximately 80,000 children across all 33 London boroughs transfer to secondary school each year through the pan-London coordinated admissions system (PLCAS). Applications to independent schools must be made separately to each school.
Parents apply online and select 6 schools in order of preference. Secondary schools will not know the order of your preferences.
Only one offer will be made on National Offer day (1 March).
Schools you have chosen below this offer will be withdrawn from your application.
The school preferences you make are treated equally. This means that no matter where you place a school in your list of preferences, it will be treated in the same way as all other applicants who also chose that school – regardless of where they have placed the school in their list.
Key Dates;
Mid July Westminster Secondary schools brochure is made available. We will give these to you as soon as they are delivered to the school.
You can also access Westminster's Secondary Brochure & Westminster's Hints & Tips on their website.
- 1 September Applications open https://www.westminster.gov.uk/school-admissions
- 31 October Application closing date (online applications by 11.59 am, paper applications by 17:00 pm)
- 1 March National Offer Day
- 15 March Accept/decline offer
- 10 May Appeals deadline
Information for Parents
We host two information sessions for parents in the Autumn term, which are led by Westminster Admissions Teams. These are open to year 5 and 6 parents.
Tips for our Parents:
Read secondary schools’ admissions criteria.
Attend their Open Days
Ask other parents you know.
Check if there is an entry test? The following Westminster secondary schools have entry tests;
- Grey Coat Hospital
- St Augustine CE High School
- St Marylebone CE School
- Marylebone Boys’ School
- Westminster City School
Are there additional school forms to complete? The following Westminster schools do have additional forms to be completed.
- Grey Coat Hospital
- St Augustine CE High School
- St Georges Catholic High School
- St Marylebone CE School
- Westminster City School
Apply for 6 schools.
Submit your application on time.
You may not be offered one of your choices. Ensure you are on the waiting list and appeal.
Independent Schools
Check the school's admission criteria and the application process.